Wednesday 11 January 2017

6-days Hokkaido Japan self-drive. Day 4 -- Otaru

Day 4 of our Hokkaido trip saw a dramatic turnabout in the weather. On the previous two days when we visited Furano and Biei, the sky was all bright and blue. But this day started with heavy rain early in the morning.

Nonetheless, we went ahead with our planned trip to the port city of Otaru. The drive wasn't too long, taking just about an hour. As the rain became quite torrential along the way, we had to slow down a little. When we reached the open car-park, we hesitated for a while to get out of the car because of the heavy rain! Well, at least one thing to be glad about is that we had superb weather in Furano and Biei but heavy rain in Otaru, rather than the other way round.

A famous attraction in Otaru is the picturesque Canal, which runs besides several old warehouses. Regrettably, the rain was so heavy when we got to the Canal that we actually didn't bother to take out the camera! Fortunately, the main street popular with tourists is lined with museums and shops of glass items and confectioneries. These are good places to spend on a rainy day.

Otaru is famous for its glassware

One of many glass shops along the main street.

The main street of Otaru offered a nice stroll --- possibly even more so on a sunny day.

As there was no sign for the rain to stop in any short time, we decided to head back to Sapporo early. Anyway, we had to return the rental car by 5pm. As it turned out, some heavy traffic in Sapporo meant that we made it to the car rental near the train station only just in time.

6 days in Hokkaido: Overview and Day 1

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