Tuesday 26 March 2013

Okinawa Day 2

After a sumptous breakfast at the hotel, we met up with the staff of the car rental company, who came to pick us up at the hotel to collect the car we had booked through the internet. The car rental branch is located at DFS Galleria, which is about 5 to 10 minutes' drive from the hotel.

The car came with a japanese GPS. Operating the device was mostly by guess work, relying partly on whatever kanji which appeared sporadically on the menu. Apparently English GPSs only come with specific car models.

We mainly travelled along west coast of the island for the day: American Village - Cape Zanpa - Ryukyu Mura - Manzamo.

At American Village

At American Village

The climb up Cape Zanpa lighthouse is definitely worthwhile, with rewarding views of the cliffs along the neighbouring coastline.

Cape Zanpa Lighthouse

View of the coastline from the lighthouse

Fishing at Cape Zanpa

Our next stop at Ryukyo Mura was not on our originally planned itinerary. Because we had spent longer than expected at Cape Zanpa, mainly owing to the captivating views from the lighthouse, we decided to find a place nearby for lunch. And we sort of wandered into Ryukyu Mura. Interestingly, they have a dining area on the outside of this model village, so you can buy something to eat without paying the entrance fee. Also interestingly, they had live music performance at the dining area, and also a fair amount of displays to give the visitor a glimpse of what might be expected inside.

Display at Ryukyu Mura

After (a fairly late) lunch, we travelled further up to Manzamo.

That concluded the travelling for the day and we returned to Naha. Dinner was at one of the food stalls on the floor above Makishi Public Market.

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