Saturday 2 November 2013

Tasmania Self-drive Day 7, Friday.

For city-dwellers like us who are accustomed to a fast-paced life-style with hectic daily schedules, taking a simple breakfast in a tranquil farmland is a true taste of a relaxed holiday. After breakfast we went back down to the lake to get a better view of it in day-light.

Breakfast at Curringa Farm

On the porch of the Curringa Farm chalet

Morning by  the lake at Curringa Farm.

Sheep grazing not far from our chalet in Curringa Farm.

Today we headed towards Hobart, where we would be staying for our last two nights in Tasmania.

On the way we made a stop at Mount Field National Park, the fourth national park that we had visited so far in the trip  (after Cradle Mountain, Mole Creek Karst NP and Feycinet NP).

Lichens at Mount Field National Park

Russel Falls, Mount Field National Park
Lady Barron Falls, Mount Field National Park

After eating our packed lunch at the park, we continued on our way towards Hobart. We had planned to check-in our hotel first before touring the city. However, it was already well into the afternoon when we got to Hobart. In order to save time, we proceeded to the first place of interest, Mount Wellington, directly.

We did not have much idea how high the peak of Mount Wellington was, but the dramatic drop in temperature as we reached the peak was enough to tell us it was pretty high. According to wiki, it is 1271 metres. Stepping out of the car, the view of thick white clouds below us was quite stunning. The panoramic view of Hobart was absolutely spectacular. It was definitely a main highlight of our trip.

The main television and radio transmitter on Mount Wellington

View of Hobart from Mount Wellington

A video may be a good way to capture the panoramic view of Hobart.

Our hotel in in Hobart was a short walk from the pier where the popular Mures seafood restaurant was located. The restaurant occupies two floors of a building -- the Upper Deck and Lower Deck. Finding the Upper Deck full,  we made a booking for dinner for the following night instead. The self-service Lower Deck was just as busy. We managed to find a table and settled for an excellent dinner.

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