Tuesday 18 February 2014

Snow-covered Shirakawa-go 白川鄉

Among the places that I have visited around the world, the UNESCO World Heritage listed Shirakawa-go certainly stands out as one of the most picturesque.

 'Picturesque' is a fitting word to describe the charming Shirakawa-go --- the scenery would make a beautiful painting. Its changing looks in the four seasons call for different painting styles. With the various hues of the green fields and flowers and the surrounding hills in spring and summer, it is a watercolour piece. The shades of grey and white in winter make it the perfect subject of an ink wash painting.

Visitors like me cannot but marvel at this masterpiece of nature. And of course, the characteristic traditional houses with thatched and slanting roof make Shirakawa-go all the more a truly remarkable place.

The snow-covered Shirakawa-go has the look of an ink wash painting.

Clothings of the vistors add some colours to a stunning backdrop.

Characteristic houses with thatched and slanting roof.
The village icons taking shelter from the snow.

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