Tuesday 7 May 2013

Okinawa Day 4 and 5

A trip to Okinawa would not be complete without visiting the Churaumi Aquarium. In fact for many, it is the must-see attraction.

Possibly one of the most photographed tanks in the world.

The three famous whale sharks dwarf the other inhabitants of the aquarium.
Okinawa is noted for its many castle ruins. One of these is the Nakijin Castle ruins (今帰仁城跡), which we visited afterwards as it is fairly close to the Aquarium.

Nakijin Castle ruins entrance

  We only had the morning in Okinawa on the last day of our trip, so we spent it quite leisurely.  After returning the car at the DFS, the remaining time was spent shopping for souvenirs along the Kokusai Street. A ride on the monorail to the airport concluded the trip.

  Overall, there was a lot more to see in Okinawa than I had expected, with its rich history, culture as well as nature. The trip could well be complemented by a second visit in warmer seasons, with one or more of the neighbouring isles included in the itinerary.

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