Thursday 19 September 2013

Tasmania Self-drive Day 4, Tuesday.

Day 4 was one of our more ambitious days in the trip in terms of the number and diversity of places to be visited, as we made our way from Cradle Mountain back to Launceston. At a glance, the fairly packed itinerary consisted of visits to Mole Creek Karst National Park and Trowunna Wildlife Park, stopping at a honey farm at Chudleigh and wine-tasting at a Tamar Valley vineyard. In terms of driving, the itinerary wasn't demanding though, as distances between stops were reasonably short.

The aptly named 'Great Cathedral' cavern at Marakoopa Cave, Mole Creek Karst National Park

A sleepy-looking and cuddly wombat at Trowunna Wildlife Park
A trip to Tasmania surely cannot go without seeing the iconic Tasmania devil.
The Tasmanian devil doesn't look too ferocious before it shows its teeth.
The honey farm at Chudleigh where we stopped by is a nice place to pick up some gifts to bring home, as well as some refreshments. Their wide selection of honey-flavoured ice-cream provided an excellent treat. The distinctive Tasmanian leatherwood honey flavour is a recommended choice.

A diverse and colourful selection of honey at Chudleigh.
We arrived at Tamar Valley in time for a round of wine-tasting, and selected a bottle for our next home-cooked dinner planned for a later day in the trip.
Tamar Valley vineyard
After checking in the same hotel as where we stayed on the first night, we took a stroll through Launcestion city-centre for another seafood-themed dinner.

Launceston shopping district.

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