Saturday 5 November 2016

Mount Parker Hong Kong

   On numerous times when we hiked on eastern Hong Kong Island, for one reason or another we rarely thought of going up to the top of Mount Parker, the second highest peak on Hong Kong Island, after Victoria Peak.. Maybe more often than not we simply chose the more popular path down to Tai Tam Reservoir. Or maybe the two radar stations at the top of the hill always seemed so unreachable.
    Just before the summer, when it was not yet too hot for hiking, we finally decided to have a go at it. It was a fairly steep climb, but certainly not as steep as some other ones on Hong Kong Island. At the top of the hill, the path branches to the left and to the right, leading to each of the two radar stations. At the first time, we randomly picked the one on the right. Apart from the radar station, there are very good 360 degree views at the top. And once we overcame the psychological barrier, we couldn't have enough, making a second climb a couple of weeks later, this time taking the path to the other radar station!

Top of Mount Parker 柏架山

A closer look

View of housing on both sides of the harbour, on the way up Mount Parker

Finally there --- Route Surveillance Radar Station

The other station.

View of the north --- Tseung Kwan O (formerly Junk Bay) 將軍澳

View of the south --- Redhill Peninsula

Below the Lion Rock "獅子山下". Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in the foreground

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