Sunday 7 August 2022

(2020) 6 days in Ireland --- Day 6: Dublin

The last day of our 6-days trip in Ireland was in fact only a half-day in practice. It is because we had a  flight for London to catch from Dublin Airport in the late afternoon. That limited the places we could visit to those within a short walking distance from our hotel in Temple Bar. Even so, there were no few choices. Our walk along the northern bank of River Liffey took us past buildings of Dublin old and new --- the neoclassical Custom House set in stone contrasts with the modern glass structures of EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum and the Convention Centre Dublin.

The Custom House, Dublin

Dome of The Custom House, Dublin

The Custom House, Dublin

The Custom House by the River Liffey

The Butt Bridge at Custom House Quay

Standing on Custom House Quay are a set of sombre-looking figures. These sculptures form the Famine Memorial in remembrance of the Great Famine of Ireland, which lasted from 1845-1849 with a large decrease in population through death and emigration.
The Famine Memorial on Custom House Quay


EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum

EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum

EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum

The Convention Centre Dublin

Samuel Beckett Bridge in front of the Convention Centre Dublin

Samuel Beckett Bridge

The Custom House, Dublin

The Custom House by River Liffey

Turning back, we had a fairly early brunch at a restaurant near O'Connell Bridge. With the limited time we had, we chose the National Gallery of Ireland to be our final place of visit. Admittedly, the visit was rather too brief and rushed to our liking.

National Gallery of Ireland

Like clockwork, the weather on our last day in Dublin followed the pattern we had observed on just about every day of our trip. While the day started off with an impeccable bright blue sky, rain was just starting to fall when we took our seats on the Aircoach. Watching some pedestrians heading for cover as the coach drove by the bank of River Liffey, we reminisced about the joyous time we had in Ireland on the past few days, and hoped there would be a chance for a second visit.

Label: 2020 Ireland

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