Saturday 1 August 2015

Lamma Island, Hong Kong

"You can't have your cake and eat it". There seems to be some truth in that saying with hiking in Hong Kong. During the period from autumn to early spring, which generally provides the ideal weather for hiking, in terms of temperature, the surrounding scenery is too often veiled by a haziness in the air. And in the months of May to July, which tend to have a larger share of days with a clear blue sky, it becomes too stifling hot for hiking on the uncovered trails.

So, the exceptionally clear sky was a great bonus on that December day that we had planned to go hiking on Lamma Island. The island is about half an hour's ferry ride from the Central pier. We had walked the popular family trail between Sok Koo Wan ("Wan" = "Bay") and Yung Shue Wan, going either way, for quite a number of times. On this occasion, we tried a new route --- a loop on the eastern part of the island, starting at Sok Koo Wan. The climb up Ling Kok Shan ("Shan" = Mountain / Hill) was well worth the effort, as it offered absolutely gorgeous views.

After a nice lunch at one of the food-stores at Sok Koo Wan, we did the trail to Yung Shue Wan as well. For us, a most-do in an outing on Lamma Island is stopping for some refreshing local sweet --- Tofu Fa (bean curd pudding), served cold.

Mo Tat Wan, Lamma Island.

What remains of Mo Tat School.

On Lamma Island.

Going up Ling Kok Shan, Lamma Island.

Shek Pai Wan, Lamma Island.

View from Ling Kok Shan. Scenic housing location.
Odd-shaped rock on Ling Kok Shan.

Shek Pai Wan, Lamma Island.

View from Ling Kok Shan, looking towards the southern part of Hong Kong Island.

Lamma Power Station.

Sok Koo Wan, Lamma Island.
Tofu Fa, served cold.

Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island.
At Yung Shue Wan pier, Lamma Island.

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