Sunday 7 March 2021

(2019) Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver, B.C.

We were recommended to visit the Queen Elizabeth Park on the last Sunday afternoon of our week-long trip to Vancouver. Being lovers of nature, we readily took up the idea. However, having been to the magnificent Butchart Gardens just days ago, we might arguable be excused for thinking there wouldn't be much in this visit that we had not seen already in Butchart Gardens. The sizable Queen Elizabeth Park soon proved to be beyond all our expectations.

Budding @ Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver

We found the Park to be very well maintained. Lush green lawns and large varieties of trees featured in the Park. A wooden footbridge, a quiet stream and a cascading waterfall added to the landscape. A distinctive structure in the Park was the Bloedel Floral Conservatory with a glass dome ceiling. We were particularly fond of the Rose garden, which looked modest from the outside, but contained a good variety of beautiful flowers ---  besides roses in different colours, peonies, irises, cornflowers and poppies were among the blooming flowers. The beautiful scene reminded me of the Bible verse:

Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. 
Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
(Luke 12:27)

Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver

Queen Elizabeth Park


Bee at work @Peony



From budding ...

.... to blooming


Iris in a light shade of purple

Bloedel Floral Conservatory, Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver

Bloedel Floral Conservatory, Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver

Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver

Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver

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