Friday 16 April 2021

Central & Western District Promenade and Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, Hong Kong

2020 will be remembered as a year when the world got turned upside-down. With countries imposing social distancing measures and entering lockdowns, life as we knew it can never be the same again. For well over a year, streets and shopping centres packed with locals and tourists in the "old norm" are deserted. Restaurants with regular long queues in the past are now full of empty tables. Tourist buses that jammed the narrow streets are nowhere to be seen.

If there is anything good at all out of the once-in-a-century Covid pandemic, it may be the reduced air pollution reported in various cities around the world. Even Hong Kong, notorious for its urban pollution, saw clear blue skies on many a day for large parts of the year. It was on one such gorgeous day in the summer that we visited the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park and the adjacent Promenade by the north-western waterfront of Hong Kong Island. 

Stonecutters Bridge linking Tsing Yi and Stonecutters Island

Ferry dashing across Victoria Harbour, with Stonecutters Bridge in the background

ICC standing out in West Kowloon

Western District Public Cargo Working Area

Western District Public Cargo Working Area

Crates at the Western District Public Cargo Working Area

Distinctive roof of the Kennedy Town Swimming Pool in front of buildings in Sai Wan

Western District

On the Central and Western District Promenade

On the Central and Western District Promenade

On the Central and Western District Promenade

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park

Inscription of Sun Yat Sen's writing,「天下為公」("The world is for all") 

Sun Yat Sen Statute

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park

Liberty 自由

Equality 平等

Fraternity 博愛

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park waterfront

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park waterfront

View across Victoria Harbour, Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park

A bonus of the day was the sighting of a magnificent sun halo, with a perfect full ring of rainbow colours centred on the midday sun.

Sun halo overhead in midday

Label: Hong Kong

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