Sunday 26 November 2017

Hiking in Hong Kong --- from Quarry Bay to Tai Tam

A clear blue sky is really hard to come by in Hong Kong, let alone on a public holiday. So it was a great delight to see an impeccable blue sky on the last Easter Monday, making it a perfect day for outdoor activities. We decided to go hiking on a popular trail, from the bottom of Mount Parker in Quarry Bay to the Tai Tam Reservoirs. 

After a half-hour hike up Mount Parker, one gets to an area with twenty-odd open 'Wartime stoves'. That is a good place to pause for a few moments to catch one's breath. 

Open kitchen: Wartime stoves, Mount Parker, Quarry Bay.

Wartime stoves, Mount Parker, Quarry Bay

On Mount Parker
Continuing the climb, the second place where one may pause is Quarry Pass/ Tai Fung Au (大風坳), which is a junction of several possible paths. On a couple of previous occasions, we had continued to go up to reach the top of Mount Parker. This time we chose the popular trail towards the Tai Tam Reservoirs. This is the easy part of the hiking, as the trail is mostly downhill.

The scenic 'Tai Tam Reservoirs' actually consist of a group of four reservoirs --- Tai Tam Upper Reservoir (大潭上水塘), Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir (大潭副水塘), Tai Tam Intermediate Reservoir (大潭中水塘) and Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir (大潭篤水塘). The region is truly a photographer's paradise.

Tai Tam Upper Reservoir Dam

Tai Tam Upper Reservoir 大潭上水塘

Tai Tam Upper Reservoir 大潭上水塘 

Tai Tam Upper Reservoir Dam

Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir  大潭副水塘 with Valve House on the left
Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir 大潭副水塘

Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Masonry Bridge

Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir 大潭篤水塘

Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir 大潭篤水塘 

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